Contact information

Theodore Lowe, Ap #867-859 Sit Rd, Azusa New York

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. (888) 456-2790 (121) 255-53333
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Don't have much more knowledge in app development?

Find the Right Plan to Start your Project.

Businesses today cross borders and regions, so you need a service provider that goes where you are.


Admin Panel
Android Customer Demo App
$99 .99
  • Install Admin Panel on your Hosting
  • Configure customer app with your admin panel ( BUY IT )*
  • Customize (App name, Logo, Colors, Package name, Splash Screen)
  • Installation time 3 to 5 days


Admin Panel
Android Customer App
$199 .99
  • Install Admin Panel on your Hosting
  • Configure customer app with your admin panel ( BUY IT )*
  • Customize (App name, Logo, Colors, Package name, Splash Screen)
  • Installation time 3 to 5 days
  • Configure push notifications
  • Configure OTP
  • Upload on your Google Play


Admin Panel
Android Apps
$299 .99
  • Install Admin Panel on your Hosting
  • Configure customer app with your admin panel ( BUY IT )*
  • Customize (App name, Logo, Colors, Package name, Splash Screen)
  • Installation time 3 to 5 days
  • Configure push notifications
  • Configure OTP
  • Upload on your Google Play
  • Configure Provider app with your admin panel ( BUY IT )*
  • Setup Customer website on your hosting( BUY IT )*
  • Translate all apps to your local language
  • Change the currency


Admin Panel
Android & iOS Apps
$499 .99
  • Install Admin Panel on your Hosting
  • Configure customer app with your admin panel ( BUY IT )*
  • Customize (App name, Logo, Colors, Package name, Splash Screen)
  • Installation time 3 to 5 days
  • Configure push notifications
  • Configure OTP
  • Upload on your Google Play
  • Configure Provider app with your admin panel ( BUY IT )*
  • Setup Customer website on your hosting( BUY IT )*
  • Translate all apps to your local language
  • Change the currency
  • Configure iOS Apps with your admin panel
  • Upload on your Apple Store

What do we need from you?

After you have completed the payment procedure, could you please provide us with all the information below so that we can start the installation process for you.

Hosting credentials with the URL of authentication, please check twice your credentials

The domain name must be registered and linked with a folder in your file manager

Php version: 7.3.x or higher

Your hosting must have fileinfo, file_open, exif, proc_open extensions enabled

Your server should allow

Your server must has an active ssl certificate on your domain.

We need a file and database managers ready on your hosting like cPanel
For each app we need 2 types of icons:
- The first for app launcher.
- The second appears in top bar when a notifications received.

High-quality PNG format files are required.
The names of your apps between 1 and 3 words.
The main color of your app (Ex: #FFCDD1)
Click here to generate your hex color
A gmail account credentials used for push notifications
PS: You can create new one for this project and disable double authentication on it.
Google developers account credentials if you want to upload the app on Google Play Store.
Apple developers account credentials if you want to upload the app on App Store.

PS: Please disable double authentication on it, please don't send us an invitation to your account

1. If you see the message "Geocoding service ok" and a Map of NY with 3 markers, it means the Google API key is ready to be used in our apps
2. If you don't see the image of the Map, make sure you have enabled Google maps apis and your billing account

Helpful links
How to create a google maps?
How to enable api key?
Installation and configuration process time is between 3 and 5 business days after we receive all information above.
This duration may be extended if the customer didn't provide the complete and correct information above
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